Sunday, 2 June 2013

Asa Lia

So, another student in Om Darwis school, who was elder than me, held this photo shoot with a real model named Mba Sasa. I just thought to join to enrich my experiences, so I joined, turned out, Mba Sasa was a nice person as a model, she didn't act so much like a model who feels superior of herself, she was quite humble. This was taken in Kota Tua, the first one, me along the other photographers around her, captured her in a sofa, a broken old blue sofa, I had a chance to direct her to make some moves, but frankly, this one is which like the best of all the shots I made, it's soulful to me, like someone who's looking up for a hope. And that light came from the sun, who came through the broken roof, so it was nice right. And then the second one, she was sitting there, I'm not sure how to capture her at this part, but I just did, and tried to aim from a zoomed-out angle, and I like it. I showed this to Mba Sasa, and she said she like it too :D It always feels good when the photos we like, also being liked by the models... And she even put it on her BBM display for some time, doesn't mean to show off anything, but I just feel appreciated and quite success whenever a model of mine put it on the display. Well, tell me what you think about these two on the comments below, if you're so so kind :D

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